We recently visted 'Lemnos'. This is the property 5 minutes out of Condobolin where my Mum grew up. I remember travelling there quite a bit as a little kid to visit my Grandparents, Loisie and Terry.
I have a lot of fond memories from my time spent there, but what I remember in particular was spending Christmas at Lemnos. A house full of family, lots and lots of Christmas presents, swims in the Goobang creek on a hot summers day and if we were really good, ice cream from the big fridge in the laundry. What more could a kid want?
Mum and Dad have been working so hard on the property for over 12 months now. Making the 6 hour drive up there almost fortnightly to restore, renovate and repair the old farm house. It looks absolutely amazing and what a credit to all their hard work.
I hadn't visited Lemnos for around 15 years. It was great to spend some time there with Mum and Dad and to have my kids there with their cousins, Tam and Kaelie, exploring and enjoying the property as I once did.
The Goobang Creek
Jaidy and Tam
The old shearers shed
Uncle Keith (Dads brother) and Aunt Shirley came to visit.
Wake up Tam!
Helping out on the old tractor

Up the top of Mt Tilga. Apparently this is the geographic centre of NSW, some might dispute this though!
You could see forever from the top.
We climbed up the top, and I was sure glad to make it....I hate heights!!!
Having the kids so close to the edge was really making me nervous.
The girls thought it would be a good idea to wipe mud on their faces!
Dad cooked dinner on this fire in his camp oven, it was delicious!
A bigger fire
Tiana running away, she wasn't going to stop either!

My car finally got to go off road for the first time ever and I think this is the dirtiest it has ever been.
The shearing shed again
Some more sheds
Not sure what this is, but I thought it looked interesting.
This is not a very good shot, but this is the house. I didn't get any of the inside, must take a flash next time and get some shots.
This is what was left of the big fire the next day. Still smoking, even after some rain.

Some old farm equipment. I'm a city girl, so not sure exactly what it is, I'm guessing some sort of plough?
The track leading to the house
To infinity and beyond!
Utes in the paddock
Dame Edna on the loo!
This was just before we got in the car back to Sydney, that bit of dirt on her finger got a hole lot worse, and Jaidyn, he was covered in mud as well. They thought it would be a good idea to jump in muddy puddles!