Sunday, November 21, 2010

I've been gone again too long.....

So here I am, I have yet again been a bad blogger, and neglected to post anything for too long! The other day I was working on some images and my computer told me my scratch disks were full!!! So many images on my computer, that there was no space for anymore!! I’ve also got myself a new camera, and thought before I start showing my new images, best to finish off with my old ones from my old camera first….

So I'm going back in time, in no particular order, through each folder on my computer, picking my favourites and will post them on my blog.

So here's the first lot....I've tried a different processing style here, not sure if I'm loving it, but I thought if I do something different with each post, it may help me find 'my style' xx

Together Again

Last weekend was so hard for my little girl. I picked her up from daycare on Friday, and in my rush to get home was not thinking clearly, and left her "Hey ya" behind. "Hey ya" is her beloved bear, he has been by her side since the day she was born, the bear she named at eighteen months old. She goes no where without him. She was lost all weekend without him, and I was filled with terrible guilt. It truly felt as if we were missing part of our family. She couldn’t sleep and just looked so alone and sad all weekend. It must have been such a long and lonely 2 days for her. When Monday morning finally came around, she was in my room at 6 o’clock waiting in anticipation to pick him up. When we walked through the doors of daycare, she ran to where we had left him, and immediately her smile returned again. She wrapped her arms around him and hasn’t let go since. 

They are together again.

The above image and story is an assignment from a workshop that I am currently participating in. After we picked up Heyya, we came home and had a tea party to celebrate his return. I love the relationship Tiana has with her special little bear xoxo